Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Test----Bone Marrow Aspiration BMA

The Test----Bone Marrow Aspiration BMA

Well, I did not know what to expect and even as the nurse and the doctor talked me through it, I was still kind of in a shock mode.  The doctor told me that it would sting a little, but I would not have much pain. He inserted this long needle into my hip and gently started pushing it further in as the nurse kept asking me if was ok.  I kept telling her I was ok partly because I thought I was and partly because I did not know what else to say.  This bone marrow test would also include a part of the bone being chipped away This is an excerpt from my book; read all about what happened next----HERE

Monday, February 28, 2011



Fighting Leukemia CML WARRIORS

 Fighting Leukemia CML WARRIORS

Hi all you CML WARRIORS out there.  I am a CML WARRIOR and have been in a fight for my life for over 7 years now.  Thanks to a wonderful Doctor, Dr. Balducci, and a fantastic hospital, Moffitt Cancer Center, I am doing good on Sprycel.  I have been on Sprycel for about 15 months now and so far so good.  Leukemia is a terrible disease but God is helping me all the way.  Faith, Love and Pills, that is my motto.
If you need any help just give me a buzz.
If you would like to read all about my fight against leukemia download my book at either Amazon Kindle Store or Barnes and Noble.  I don't get any money for this book, I just wanted to share my story. Thanks
Blessings to all

Monday, February 7, 2011

Leukemia The Stress and Fear of Fighting Cancer

The Stress and Fear of Fighting Cancer

If you or someone you love is fighting cancer every day like me, there are some tools a cancer survivor and fighter can use.  I have been fighting cancer for over 7 years now, and this fight has taught me a lot of things that I never knew.

Here is a list of some of the things I have learned as I have walked down the journey of fighting cancer.  I hope they will help someone to fight on as I am doing and survive this horrendous disease:

1. Don't live in the past and don't worry about the future.  Live each day in day-by-day routine and fight on for just that day.

2. Get yourself family and friend support.  There is nothing more soothing that a loving word or kiss from a family member or friend.  Hugs and kisses from my children and grandchildren are the best medicine in the world.

3. Join and support a Cancer Support group.  Don't just join but be an active member in the group.  In groups such as these, you can learn what others are going through and share your pain and sorrows with members that are fighting cancer also.

4. Don't smoke and quit if you do and don't be around second hand smoke.  Smoking kills!!!! And so does second hand smoke.  If you smoke, join a support group that will help you quit today.  Don't wait.

5. Start a good nutrition program and learn how to eat healthy meals at all times.

6. If you are able, exercise daily.  Walking daily is one of the best exercises you can do for yourself.

7. Get plenty of rest so that your body and mind can heal.

8. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

9. Take your medicines that the doctor has prescribe at all times.

10. Start a faith journal and write something uplifting in it each day.  I have written in mine daily and I have the excerpts of it in my book, Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival.  There is something so uplifting in sharing your battle with the Lord and having His help in doing so everyday.

11. Learn how to manage your stress and keep it under control at all times.

12.  Educate yourself on the type of cancer you are battling, and keep up with all the newest treatments.  I am on one of the new leukemia drugs, Sprycel, and before I took it I learned all about it.

13. Don't be negative toward people who are trying to help you.  Listen to them even though you might think they are wrong and remember, they are only trying to help.

14. Always get the tests done each year to check for cancer, so that you can catch cancer early and make it easier to heal.

15. Keep a sense of humor and learn to laugh again.  Watch funny TV shows and movies and laugh until your sides hurt.

16. Tell your story about your battle against the cancer that you have and listen to others as they tell theirs.

19. Did you whole world shatter when you were told you had cancer?  You are not alone.  Get the story out there.

20. Are you really scarred now that you found out you have cancer?  So am I, but turn that energy into positive thinking and fight to win the battle over cancer.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Leukemia I am a CML WARRIOR


I have leukemia which is a cancer of the blood.  I have been in a constant battle for my life for 7 years.  I get so tired of fighting leukemia, but I know my God and Jesus will see me through all my trials and tribulations here on earth.

I am trying to live as near a normal life as I can and I have lots of family support, but it gets really hard sometimes at night when my heart is pounding away and I don't know if I am going to make it through the night.  If you have leukemia, I know you know what I am talking about.

Get as much education on leukemia as you can, and support all the blood cancer societies at all times with your money and your time.
CML Warrior since 2004 Lizzie 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Excerpt From Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival

Excerpt From Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival

January 21, 2004---I was having a some very bad health problems.  I had a bad night with my heart pounding all night.  I had been really tired and my son talked me into going to see my doctor.

January 22, 2004---Went to see my doctor; my heart was pounding and my pulse was very high.  The doctor insisted on doing a complete blood work; I told him I didn’t need it, but he insisted.

January 23, 2004--- my doctor calls me saying that my blood counts are way to high.
He has made an appointment with a hematologist, and he wants me to go right away.
I ask him if I can wait and he says NO!  My son insists I go also, so off I go.
I do not think anything is wrong with me; I have never had anything major as far as illness goes, and all the women in my family are long lived.

January 23, 24---My son and his girlfriend take me to the hematologist, and I was called into his office.
As I go in alone, the doctor looks at me and says, “ You sure are brave coming here alone.”  I should have suspected something right then but no, I still had no fears and told the doctor my son and his girlfriend are waiting for me in the waiting room.
He has his blood nurse take a sample of my blood; I gave it up freely, not knowing this was the first of hundreds of blood test on down the line.  Sure enough, he came back in and told me my counts were way to high and that he needed to do a Bone Marrow Aspiration.  Silly me, I didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about and was led unknowingly into a room with a doctor’s bed and ask to take off my clothes and lie down face first.  Still not expecting anything to dramatic, (I figured out later that the reason they make you lay face down right away is so you can’t see the huge needle they are going to use to get that bone marrow) I waited while the nurse and doctor got everything ready to give me my first of many test to come.