Friday, August 27, 2010

Leukemia-One Woman's Battle for Survival

I am a CML WARRIOR. I have been in a battle for my life for over 6 years now. This book is the real true story of my battle with leukemia and my struggle for survival. I kept a faith diary when I was first diagnosed and I have included some of the personal entries from my faith diary in this book. 

As you read this book you will get an up close and personal look in the life of a cancer patient; her pain, her battle plans for survival, her experience with her doctors and much more are included. You will be able to walk with me from the minute of my diagnosis to my present day of survival and learn all about my battle plans and the weapons I used to fight this awful battle of blood cancer. 

If you or someone you love is in a battle against cancer of any kind, but especially the blood cancers, then you will relish this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it, because even though it brought back painful memories, if it helps just one person to battle this disease, then I am happy to offer it up. Click on book to read this story of one woman's courageous fight against cancer.