Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hello, I have Leukemia and I Am a CML Warrior

Hello, my name is Elizabeth May Lovelace and I have Leukemia. I have had Leukemia for 7 years now. Leukemia is a blood cancer disease. Leukemia can not be cured. Leukemia can be chronic or acute and Leukemia can kill you. Read my amazing story of how I battled leukemia and survived this horrendous blood cancer. I kept a day-by-day diary of my terrible journey down the road in my battle against leukemia and I have included this journey in my book, Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival. I am still fighting a good battle against leukemia. I am a CML WARRIOR.
If you or anyone you know if fighting a blood cancer, join me and tell me all about your fight against this blood disease.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Leukemia CML Treatments Sprycel Gleevec Tasigna

If you are reading this book, and you or someone you love is fighting a fierce battle against leukemia, I would like to encourage you to take an active part in your cancer treatment.  Educate yourself in every phase of the disease, and get the best medical help that is available for you.  If you have to travel to get to a good Cancer Hospital, then by all means do so.  With our online research today, we can check out doctors, hospitals and every thing we need to know is right at our fingertips.  Always have your family close by for support and encourage them to help you in any capacity they can.  Seek the help of your clergy if you need it and join several online support groups.  These support groups are a wonderful source of encouragement and knowledge in your journey with CML.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Leukemia Bone Marrow Aspirations CMP @ CBC Survival

Come with me and journey down the most amazing path of a LEUKEMIA WARRIOR’S battle against the horrendous and mysterious blood cancer, Leukemia.  I have been in a battle for my life for over 6 years now.  Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival is the real true story of my battle with leukemia and my struggle for survival.  I kept a faith diary when I was first diagnosed and I have included some of the personal entries from my faith diary in Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival.

As you read Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival you will get an up close and personal look in the life of a Leukemia patient; her pain, her battle plans for survival, her experience with her doctors and much more are included.  You will be able to walk with me from the minute of my diagnosis of Leukemia to my present day of survival and learn all about my battle plans and the weapons I used to fight this awful battle of blood cancer.

You will discover the new medicines and treatments for Leukemia which include:
*Gleevec (Imatinib)
*Tasigna (Nilotinib)
*Sprycel (Dasatinib)

Learn how Leukemia is diagnosed through Bone Marrow Aspirations, Blood Analysis including CBCs and CMPs and other blood work your doctor deems necessary.

If you or someone you love is in a battle against cancer of any kind, but especially the blood cancers, then you will relish Leukemia One Woman's Battle For Survival.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it, because even though it brought back painful memories, if it helps just one person to battle this disease, then I am happy to offer it up.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Tampa Florida Chapter

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Tampa Florida Chapter
I have been a CML WARRIOR for over 6 years now, fighting for my life in my fight against Leukemia.  I have the blood disease called 

Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia or CML for short.  This type of 

Leukemia is caused when some of your blood

cells, and in my case, the cell # 9 transfers with cell # 22 

which causes the  cells to grow and divide too rapidly and 

instead of muturing and

dying as they are supposed to do, they stay in your blood 

stream and marrow until they crowd out the good blood cells.

I decided to write the book "Leukemia One Woman's Battle 

For Survival" in order to share my battle against this horrible

Leukemia with you so that if you have to fight this CML, you

will know what to do and how to fight.

This book on Leukemia is the story of my battle with 

Leukemia.  I have

included exerpts from my personal diary from the beginning

of my fight to present day.

Yes, I am still here and still fighting Leukemia daily.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will help you in every 

way they can.  They have financial help along with moral 

and mental help.  You can visit them online at and find a chapter near you.
The Key to the Kingdom is Love
God Is Love

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Leukemia Light The Night Walk

Light The Night Walk:
Taking Steps To Cure Cancer
Each year, in communities all across the United States and Canada teams of families, friends, co-workers and local and national corporations come together to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS's) Light The Night Walk events and bring help and hope to people battling blood cancers.

Every Light The Night walker is encouraged to become a Champion For Cures by raising $100 or more to help fight blood cancer.

Funds raised by teams and individual walkers provide:

Lifesaving blood cancer research
Free educational materials and events for patients and their families
Local programs such as Family Support Groups and First Connection, a peer-to-peer counseling program
Comprehensive, personalized assistance through our Information Resource Center
Light The Night Walk events are evenings filled with inspiration. During this leisurely walk, walkers carry illuminated balloons - white for survivors, red for supporters and gold in memory of loved ones lost to cancer - thousands of walkers - men, women and children - form a community of caring, bringing light to the dark world of cancer.

We are Taking Steps To Cure Cancer! Join us!

Illuminated balloons, Light the Night T-shirts and a wrist band entitling walkers to enjoy food and refreshments are provided to all walkers who become a Champion For Cures by raising $100 or more to help fight blood cancer.
The Walk is done at a leisurely pace and take less than an hour to complete.
Strollers and wheelchairs are welcome. However, for everyone's safety, bicycles, inline skates, wheelie footwear, skateboards and scooters are not allowed.
Walks take place rain or shine.
Go here to find out more about Light The Night Walk=>

Friday, August 27, 2010

Leukemia-One Woman's Battle for Survival

I am a CML WARRIOR. I have been in a battle for my life for over 6 years now. This book is the real true story of my battle with leukemia and my struggle for survival. I kept a faith diary when I was first diagnosed and I have included some of the personal entries from my faith diary in this book. 

As you read this book you will get an up close and personal look in the life of a cancer patient; her pain, her battle plans for survival, her experience with her doctors and much more are included. You will be able to walk with me from the minute of my diagnosis to my present day of survival and learn all about my battle plans and the weapons I used to fight this awful battle of blood cancer. 

If you or someone you love is in a battle against cancer of any kind, but especially the blood cancers, then you will relish this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it, because even though it brought back painful memories, if it helps just one person to battle this disease, then I am happy to offer it up. Click on book to read this story of one woman's courageous fight against cancer.